Logistics Service Providers Safety Assessment

Welcome to Logistics Service Providers Safety Assessment!

BASF is committed to Sustainable Development. Living up to the principles of Responsible Care® it is mandatory for all BASF operations to ensure long-term success of the company. This includes safe transportation & distribution of chemicals.

As a result, BASF in Asia Pacific region has introduced an assessment program to evaluate the quality, safety and environmental performance of Logistics Service Providers in a uniform manner using a standardized assessment process. The result of these assessment must act as basis for continuous improvement where LSPs not meeting the BASF safety standards must not be used.

If you have any questions or would like to give us feedback, please contact either local Transportation and Distribution Safety Advisor or regional team.


  • The RSA application has been renamed to "Logistics Service Providers Safety Assessment". New functionalities including the WSA questionnaire are available now.

    Jul 27, 2022
  • Due to compatibility reasons please do not use Internet Explorer anymore. You can use any other browser like Microsoft Edge or Chrome.

    Jul 20, 2021
  • Simplified Chinese Questionnaire is now available.

    Mar 22, 2012
  • RSA Version 1.0.0 has been released.

    Sep 27, 2011

Assessed Company Login

Please provide report number and security code. To access the report, type your report number and security code obtained from the Assessor and click on the Login button.

Report Number:
Security Code: »Login


TDS Technical Contact:

Amir bin Shahabuddin

E-Mail Amir bin Shahabuddin

IT Contact:

IT Service Desk